What are the rare occasions when narcissist acts nicely with spouse and children ?

Narcissists might occasionally act nicely towards their spouse and children in certain situations, usually driven by self-interest or manipulation. These rare occasions might include:

1. Public Image Maintenance: To maintain a favorable public image or reputation, a narcissist may act kindly and supportively when others are watching.

2. Special Events: During events like anniversaries, birthdays, or holidays, narcissists might put on a show of affection or generosity to ensure they receive praise and attention.

3. When They Want Something: If a narcissist needs something from their spouse or children—such as compliance, admiration, or support—they might temporarily act more caring or considerate to achieve their goals.

4. To Avoid Conflict : When they sense that their behavior might lead to significant conflict or repercussions, narcissists might act more pleasant to avoid immediate issues.

5. When They Are in a Good Mood: Occasionally, if the narcissist is in a positive or euphoric state, they might exhibit behavior that seems kind or loving.

These acts are usually superficial and serve the narcissist’s interests rather than reflecting genuine empathy or concern.

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