How Twisted And False Belief System Is Created In Dysfunctional Families.

A few of the most prominent features of the twisted and false belief system are entitlement and deep insecurities.

Based on my readings, observations of dysfunctional people, their viewpoints, and discussions with abuse victims of dysfunctional families here are some findings on how dysfunctional and false belief systems and behavior are created in the heads of some adult children of dysfunctional families.

  1. Insecurities
  2. Manipulation(fear of being manipulated)
  3. Lying(Fear of being used manipulated abused or misunderstood)
  4. Cheating( entitlement to sense gratification)
  5. Entitlement(learned behavior of an entitled bully at home and inspiration from him and wrong teaching(out of fear) of the enabler or fearful scapegoat.
  6. Criticism(inner critic parents and embedded inferiority complex)
  7. Not taking compliments seriously and also encouragement
  8. Jealousy

In dysfunctional families, a twisted and false belief system can emerge through various dynamics and behaviors. Several factors contribute to the development of such belief systems:

Manipulation and Gaslighting: Dysfunctional families often involve manipulation and gaslighting, where the truth is distorted or denied, and reality is undermined. This causes individuals to question their own perceptions, memories, and beliefs, leading to the acceptance of false narratives.

Emotional Abuse: Emotional abuse within dysfunctional families can manifest as constant criticism, humiliation, blame-shifting, and invalidation. Over time, victims internalize these negative messages, resulting in distorted self-image and false beliefs about their worth and capabilities.

Enabling and Denial: Dysfunctional families often have members who enable or support dysfunctional behavior, denying or minimizing its impact. This perpetuates the dysfunctional patterns and prevents individuals from recognizing the truth or seeking help.

Role Confusion: Dysfunctional families may have unclear or inconsistent roles and boundaries, causing confusion. This confusion can lead to distorted beliefs about one's responsibilities, self-worth, and the expectations others have of them.

Codependency: Codependency is common in dysfunctional families, where individuals prioritize others' needs while neglecting their own well-being. Codependent dynamics create a false belief that one's worth is dependent on taking care of others, perpetuating unhealthy relationship patterns.

Emotional Neglect: Emotional neglect involves a lack of emotional support, validation, and nurturing. Growing up in emotionally neglectful environments can lead to distorted beliefs about self-worth, emotional needs, and the value of relationships.

Learned Helplessness: Dysfunctional families may foster a sense of learned helplessness, where individuals believe they have no control over their circumstances or the ability to make positive changes. This false belief reinforces a sense of powerlessness and hinders personal growth.

It's important to recognize that these factors can interact and vary in different dysfunctional family systems. Overcoming the false belief system created in such families often requires individual therapy, support from trusted individuals, and a commitment to personal growth and healing.

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