Ted Bundy, one of the most well-known female serial killers, claimed in one of the interviews that he could tell who would make a suitable victim by his method of approach.
Sociopaths or psychopaths are well-known individuals in our culture. These are the people suffering from Anti-Social Personality Disorder. They pick their victims depending on how easily they believe they can control them.
Do you know that not everyone is equally likely to become prey to such disordered people? Both psychopaths and their victims belong to a unique breed. Yes, that is true. People with greater psychopathy scores are more skilled at choosing victims. The weaker and more helpless members of society become the lambs, the targets of the wolves.
How do Psychopaths choose their Victims?
Psychopaths pick their victims depending on how easily they believe they can control them.
What was it about these people that gave off the impression that they were frail? An investigation revealed that psychopaths can interpret a range of nonverbal signs, such as the length of their steps, the way they shifted their posture, and the height at which they lifted their feet. Grayson and Stein (1981). Together, these indicators offered the psychopaths a rough idea of the level of personality their potential victims displayed. Lack of eye contact, fidgeting with the hands and feet, and avoiding making significant gestures when changing position are all examples of body language that conveys a lack of confidence, or being socially submissive.
Psychopaths enjoy encouraging traits in their prey that they can feed off, such as empathy, kindness, sincerity, warmth, etc., as well as some very particular flaws that they can later abuse, like self-doubt, innocent nature, naturally kind and generous nature, and excessively trusting and open nature. a tolerant nature, a tolerant nature, Lack of desire to "make a commotion" or stir things up, a lack of boundaries, a willingness to put up with unpleasant behavior, and so on.
Numerous factors might make someone vulnerable, including not receiving affection, encouragement, or affirmation from their family of origin; separation from family and friends, losing their job, being new to the area Desiring a relationship a strong desire to be noticed, approved of, or supported, unresolved victimization from the past, disease, ongoing stress, the passing of a loved one, a divorce, or a breakup, Boredom, the yearning for excitement increases when you're bored. Loneliness, if you're lonely, a psychopath may find a way into your life by taking advantage of your unmet social and emotional needs.
Once they have found a potential victim, the psychopath starts the process of charming them, winning them over, and then playing the perfect partner to provide the impression of an intimate or perfectly matched relationship.
To make the victim dependent on them and undermine their self-esteem, the psychopath uses intermittent and inconsistent rewards.
The psychopath eventually loses interest and abandons the victim, moving on to someone else and frequently flaunting the new person in the victim's face to rub it in. The victim, who believed they had a genuine relationship with this person, is left with a lot of emotional wounds by the psychopath, who observed the entire process with a cool, amused detachment.
Most of the time, victims don’t even know that they’re victims until the perpetrator has already done using them.
How to save yourself from Psychopaths?
Fortunately, we can take steps to lessen our vulnerability as victims to them. Confidence that is expressed, for instance, through body language, voice, and affective expression, offers some safety. By increasing eye contact, reducing the use of smaller hand and foot movements, and increasing major body movements or changes in postural alignment, people might consciously project dominance in order to minimize perceived vulnerability. It is also said that one's likelihood of being victimized or bullied is reduced by conscious control of changes in affective expression, particularly victimized through regulation of fear, surprise, and humiliation as well as the rate, tone, and fluency of speech.
Even in circumstances where they feel safe, it is advised that people maintain the general projection of confidence via dominant body language. Potential offenders can interpret alterations in body language as signs of vulnerability and take appropriate action.
Click on the following link to read Read:14 Reasons Why Women Fall and Stay in Toxic Relationships. 👇
403 Forbidden. (n.d.). https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/extreme-fear/201010/how-psychopaths-choose-their-victims
Birch, A. (2021, June 29). Traits of the Psychopath’s Victim. Psychopaths and Love. https://psychopathsandlove.com/traits-of-the-psychopaths-victim/
How Psychopaths Choose & Groom Their Victims. (2021, July 28). Psychopaths in Life. https://psychopathsinlife.com/how-psychopaths-choose-groom-their-victims/
Sinclair, G. (2019, November 28). How And Why Psychopaths Choose Their Victims. Awareness Act. https://awarenessact.com/how-and-why-psychopaths-choose-their-victims/
Studies show that psychopaths choose their victims according to the way they walk! (n.d.). Dazzling News. https://www.dazzling.news/a2608/studies-show-that-psychopaths-choose-their-victims-according-to-the-way-they-walk
Wellington, B. (2018, June 7). How do psychopaths “choose” their victims? - Bob Wellington. Medium. https://medium.com/@bobwellington101/how-do-psychopaths-choose-their-victims-b227d7b0ef14
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