According to clinical psychologist and Narcissism expert Dr. Ramani Durvasula, in their formative years, narcissistic individuals understood that people should not be trusted. This is why they have spent their entire lives hiding behind a false ego believing that if they form significant ties or attachments with individuals and open their hearts in the relationship, they would be hurt or harmed in some way
Narcissistic Personality Disorder May result from a combination of three factors:-Neurobiology Genetics and environment.
1)Neurobiology: The insular cortex is a region of the human brain that is thought to be the seat of compassion and empathy. The insular cortex is located deep within the cerebral cortex, an area consisting of folded grey matter (brain wiring) that plays a significant role in conscious awareness. Various studies have found anomalies in specific brain areas, including the insular cortex.
According to Dr. Ropke, the volume of grey brain matter in the insular cortex is associated with empathy. NPD patients have structural deficits in this area.
In a study conducted by Universitätsmedizin Berlin, researchers used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) equipment to test their hypothesis that narcissists' grey matter is incorrect.
To conduct the experiment, the scientists examined the brains of 34 patients, 17 of whom were known to have NPD and 17 who were not. Their observations were remarkable. Their cerebral cortex (the thinking and reasoning area of the brain) was also abnormal, in addition to their anterior insula and white matter. According to their findings, all of these structures are involved in the processing and creation of compassion for others.
2)Genetics:- Several studies have revealed that the factors that cause NPD are present on genes as well, and hence they can be inherited and passed down from generation to generation with varied intensity.
3)Childhood Environment:- Overly critical, neglectful, or indulgent parenting, or a combination of the three, may result in the development of NPD in a genetically vulnerable child.
Childhood environmental factors are parents or early caregivers with characteristic features such as:
- Overemphasis on innate ability rather than effort
- Expectations that are unrealistic
- Two parents' conflicting discipline reinforcement
- Neglect and invalidation of emotions
- Motivation through comparison
- Victim mindset
These factors, as well as others such as early trauma, might cause NPD to develop in those with a genetic predisposition.
Note: The material contents of this article are provided for educational purposes only and should not be used in place of professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
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