What is anger:-
Anger is a significant and fundamental human emotion that we all occasionally feel. Basically, fear, greed, and desire are the root causes of anger.
- Anger is a natural reaction to threats to our safety and wellbeing, both actual and perceived.
- Anger develops when a person tries to hide other emotions, such as fear, from themselves.
- When our expectations are not met, we become angry, which is once more a form of lust or threat.
Science of anger:-
Anger makes people ready to fight because it is linked to the sympathetic nervous system's "fight, flight, or freeze" response. However, striking is not always a part of the fighting.
The amygdala in our brains sounds the alarm whenever we perceive a threat to our safety (physical, emotional, social, financial, etc.) or wellbeing. This surge of testosterone and adrenaline, two vital hormones that prime our bodies for physical aggression, occurs as a result. In addition to the amygdala, the prefrontal cortex is also stimulated by the anger trigger. This part of the brain regulates reasoning and judgment, keeping us from reacting irrationally to a situation.
When this area is triggered in reaction to a perceived threat, catecholamine neurotransmitters epinephrine and norepinephrine, also referred to as adrenaline and noradrenaline, are stimulated to release.
These hormones prepare our body to act by:
- Increasing respiration, blood pressure, and heart rate.
- Clenching muscles
- Body temperature rising
- Increasing the flow of blood to certain body parts, such as the face, arms, legs, hands, and feet (making them appear red).
- Focusing on the issue that led to the outburst of rage.
Is anger good or bad or both?
Of course, harboring resentment too frequently or easily might eventually harm both your physical and mental health. The immune system's ability to operate as well as the neurons in the regions of the brain that regulate judgment and short-term memory can be harmed by anger's protracted release of stress chemicals.
Why do people get angry?
Anger and personality traits may be related. Additionally, the following attitudes and behaviors can lead to anger:-
- The belief that one's privileges and rights surpass those of others is known as entitlement.
- Paying attention to outside circumstances (such as a partner's behavior).
- External emotion regulation, which entails seeking to control emotions by managing one's surroundings;
- Spherical effect outside oneself (believing well-being is controlled by sources outside of oneself)
- Failure to explore alternative opinions (viewing different perspectives as threats)
- Limited capacity for discomfort
- An intolerance for ambiguity
- Excessive focus on fault
- A flimsy ego
How to deal with anger?
Lord Krishna urges Arjuna to suppress his anger at the very beginning of the Gita and describes someone who has done so as "a sage of stable mind."
Understanding and controlling this strong feeling can help someone grow and transform as well as prevent them from committing many aparadhas. if one regularly loses control of their fury or only occasionally does.
- The right amount of sleep can stop uncalled-for angry outbursts. Adults need to sleep for at least seven hours every night, according to researchers. A person who has had trouble sleeping in the past will require more sleep to make up for it. Because of the many interruptions to their sleep at night brought on by frequent urination, GERD, OSA, RLS, other physical discomforts, changing diapers, and nursing infants, respectively, pregnant women and lactating moms may occasionally require more sleep than usual.
- Think of further interpretations: Consider the supporting evidence for your enraging interpretation. Think about diverse viewpoints.
- When an episode of fury starts, you breathe deeply, slowly, and with your diaphragm rather than your chest.
- Recognize that it's okay to be angry: You should be upset if you've been wronged, treated unfairly, or provoked. However, instead of acting aggressively, you should express your anger assertively.
- Relaxation methods like mindfulness, deep breathing, and progressive muscle relaxation, as well as lifestyle adjustments like healthier eating and sleeping patterns, reduce your amygdala's reaction to triggering.
- Cognitive behavioral therapy can help your prefrontal brain exercise its role in emotional regulation.
- Some persons who have diabetes may also struggle with rage issues. You may maintain stable blood sugar levels and maintain your composure by adhering to your diabetes treatment plan, which includes measuring your blood sugar levels, taking your medication, eating healthily, and exercising.
- Anger might also result from being irritable or exhausted. As a result, it's important to eat well and get enough rest to keep going.
- Mindfulness, spirituality, movement, chant, transcendence, progressive relaxation, loving-kindness, and imagery are all types of meditation.
To effectively control rage, take the following actions:-
Mantra meditation is one of the best meditation techniques for managing anger. Japa and Kirtan are the available kinds. Japa is a type of private meditation when you sit in a quiet place and calmly chant a mantra. Kirtan, on the other hand, is a form of group meditation in which people sing and perform musical instruments.
Along with the mantra's right frequency for each person, the incorporation of faith in this meditation technique can have magical effects on the practitioner. The route to happiness, self-realization, and enlightenment can be successfully completed through mantra meditation, along with the attainment of a disease-free body, a tranquil mind, clear and coherent thinking, and an improvement in intelligence quotient.
Mantras are powerful, but in order to reap their full rewards, one must recite them consistently and in their whole. When uttered from the heart, mantras drive away negative energy while bringing positive energy into the body and mind.
Mantro Hinah swarato varnato va mithya prayukto na tamarthamah.
Sa Vagvajro yajmanam hinasti yathendrashatruh swaratoparadhat.
The meaning: The mantra without proper pronunciation of vowels and consonants that is the utterance of a mantra in a faulty manner makes it faulty and does not convey the intended meaning. Instead, it gets converted into a verbal thunderbolt and may harm the one chanting it.
As in the aforementioned verse, we can see that in order to properly use a mantra and receive the benefits that it is intended to provide for us, we must not do so carelessly or take them for granted.
You may decide when and where to channel your tension and when and where to let it go with the help of a regular mantra meditation regimen.
During this meditation exercise of consciousness, results are attained automatically rather than by mind control or other mental ploys. The deepest level of the inner Self outside of the mind is reached through meditation practice.
Have an anger-free, happy and great day ahead!
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